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Setting up a little spot to blab on about life

art classes fidafye paint and sips procrastination setting up a website tax planning

I got on my computer tonight to finish up my bookwork for taxes, which, in my expert diversion tactics, I immediately opened my google calendar to check out how many days of procrastinating I actually had.  Then I decided that I really needed to set up a couple of paint and sip dates (because they are sooo fun) that led to thinking about how I could let all of my favorite people know how to sign up for those classes, so I needed to set up a newsletter on my website.  When it comes to working on a website, I feel like I need to get an associates degree in web development, or maybe just get on ritalin for my majorly distracted tendencies.  So here I sit, there are 8 tabs open across my screen.  Half of them look the same. Shopify, Shopify, Shopify.  Obviously these automated pages are supposed to make your business run with the click of a button, but it requires way too many buttons for me to even remember what I am trying to do in the first place.  This has been an ongoing problem, these buttons, for months now.  Always in January, I set out with the best intentions of getting my books in order for taxes, meaning I need to catch up with an entire year of spending and earning.  Thoughts like, "Did we really eat that much food?" and "How did we get nowhere after spending that much on gas?" and seriously..."Do I order THAT much from Amazon and what the heck was it???" Attempting to log into quickbooks, my bank accounts, and my website require hours of password guessing, app updating, and figuring out how to connect an external monitor and keyboard to my shattered laptop. When I finally get all of the kinks worked out, I end up here: setting up a blog so I can blab and you can remember how crazy I am...or maybe you can be crazy with me...

Anyhow, if you have made it this far, please come back and visit.  Sign up for the newsletter and that will keep you in the loop for all the fun things that I love doing at Fidafye, including art for sale and the schedule for adult and kid art classes and Paint and Sips. 

(picture from a lovely book I got at the thrift store called A Child's Garden of Verses by Robert Stevenson)